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Results for "author_first: "Pir Vilayat Inayat", author_last: "Khan", latest_content: 1"
It possible to recover the memory of our true self. It possible to recover the memory of our true self.
In their presence I felt uplifted In their presence I felt uplifted
Every Divine Quality has its shadow side Every Divine Quality has its shadow side
Meeting pain with joy instead of self-pity Meeting pain with joy instead of self-pity
There is a strong sense of the uniqueness of each person. There is a strong sense of the uniqueness of each person.
Love is the creed I hold Love is the creed I hold
The different names of the one God The different names of the one God
Make God as great as your imagination can Make God as great as your imagination can
Imagination becomes a ladder Imagination becomes a ladder
You can only know yourself You can only know yourself